📄️ Autocomplete Field
The AutocompleteField is a text/select input equipped with a panel of suggested options when users start typing.
📄️ Card
The Card component is a generic container for organizing product-like UI elements.
📄️ Checkbox Group
The CheckboxGroup allows users to select one or more items from a list of choices.
📄️ Children Limiter
The ChildrenLimiter component is used to limit the number of children that are rendered.
📄️ Container
The Container component is used to group content and elements in a section-like layout.
📄️ Feature Upsell
The FeatureUpsell component is used to hide content behind a call to action button.
📄️ Modal
The Modal component is used to display content in a layer above the rest of the page.
📄️ Notifications
The Notifications component shows notifications on a specified position on the screen.
📄️ Page
The Page component is used as a wrapper for page content. It doesn't provide any special
📄️ Radio Group
Radio groups are used to group a set of radio buttons (options) together.
📄️ Root
The Root component provides your React tree with a RootContext which contains general
📄️ Select Field
A dropdown list for selecting a single item. The SelectField component extends
📄️ Sidebar Navigation
A sidebar navigation component. The component contains the Sidebar, Mobile,
📄️ Tag Field
A tags input is a user interface element that enables users to input
📄️ Text Field
A simple text field component. Accept all props of a regular input element.
📄️ Textarea Field
A simple textarea component. Accept all props of a regular textarea element.
📄️ Toggle Field
A toggle switch allows users to switch between two states (on and off) by clicking or